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Thoughts & Inspiration

Fundraising Update: I am currently at 43% fundraised, praise God! I’ve been blessed with $8,350 of the total $19,200 needed which covers all plane tickets, housing, food, training costs, and more for my eleven months of missions abroad.


Fundraising has been… weird. It’s probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also one of the most encouraging and inspiring things. God’s been teaching me a lot, so I want to share some of that process here.


It was empowering to grow in financial independence over the past couple years. I felt like I was stepping into the real world. Then God called me into the ministry of the World Race. It was so exciting thinking about all the cultures, countries, and people I would learn from and serve! I quickly learned fundraising would be a big part of this journey before I even stepped foot into another country.


And that stirred up fears. Insecurities. Questions. Why send me? Isn’t there someone else more qualified, more articulate, more skilled, just… more? And why can’t I just work and pay for it myself? And what if fundraising pushes away the people I care about most?


God’s been holding all of these questions and thoughts with me. He doesn’t usually answer right away. And when he does answer a lot of times it’s just a sense of peace, and one that I have to keep choosing and going back to Him for. But here is what He’s been teaching me so far.


In response to “why me?”: There will always be someone more articulate, skilled, qualified, etc. And God may have called them, too. But they have their own insecurities, and I don’t know their heart. I only know mine. And I know God called me. It’s not about my weaknesses, it’s about whether or not I will be obedient to the call. When I ask this question God gently tells me to stop comparing or looking down on myself, but to direct my eyes back to God and who He says that I am. That is enough. 


In response to “why can’t I just work and pay my own way”: I could do that. Some missionaries do. And there is no shame in working fulltime or fundraising fulltime or any mix of the two. But it would take a lot of time, and could easily be used as an excuse to just not go or keep pushing it off. I think personal commitment is important. I am donating some to this ministry; however, God’s teaching me I am not in control of everything—despite how much I try to be sometimes. It’s true that I am in control of my own actions and faithfulness, but through fundraising, I am learning to trust in God as the ultimate Provider of my daily bread. I don’t need to be in control, because God is. And God is good.


And finally, what I’ve struggled with the most: “what if fundraising pushes away the people I care about most?” I’ve heard horror stories of fundraising. Stories of missionaries being insensitive or of valuing money over relationship. I’ve spent quite a bit of time procrastinating calls or being paralyzed over a message’s send button due to the fear of being misunderstood. I’m an enneagram nine, and I do not like conflict. However, hard conversations grow relationship. So, I am trusting my friends and family to a new level by sharing this ministry and bit of my heart that feels very vulnerable. And the crazy thing is, I have some amazing friends and family! I get nervous and go into a meeting praying that I can encourage the other person and share my heart, and then God keeps on using it so that the other person spends the time encouraging ME and sharing THEIR hearts!! Life in community freaks me out a little with its vulnerability, but it is so good to know and be known. And it’s good to do this mission together and have accountability in the process.


This journey isn’t over, and there is so much more I have to learn. So, thank you for your patience and kindness with me as I continue fundraising for what God has called me to do.  Thank you for introducing me to people. Thank you for your financial partnership. Thank you for your encouragement, inspiration, feedback, ideas, and time. And thank you especially for your prayers!


Attached at the bottom of this post is the link to giving, but if you have questions or would like specific details about the ministry you can email, text, call, or DM me. I appreciate you so much, and I’m excited for all that God still has to teach me!



Link to give:


One response to “Fundraising Update and Thoughts”

  1. It has been such a blessing and exciting to watch you grow in this. To see God strengthening and equipping you.
    You may not be everything that is needed, but God sees things in you that will be a hugely important part of your team. And when you come to face something new, He will continue growing that trust in Him to provide for the time at hand.